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UNINQ University has implemented a comprehensive assessment program to monitor and enhance student learning outcomes and academic experience.
The strategic assessment plan is designed to document, track, and analyze collected data to continuously improve educational outcomes and guide institutional initiatives. We assess students’ academic performance using indicators aligned with our mission and educational offerings.
At UNINQ University, we collect data through both direct and indirect assessments, ensuring systematic processes to measure learning and performance. The results are analyzed and compared against internal and external benchmarks, reinforcing our commitment to quality and effectiveness.
We recognize the importance of engaging students and alumni to understand and enhance all aspects of the academic experience. Regular feedback is gathered on curricula, instructional materials, teaching methods, and student support services. These insights help us identify necessary improvements and ensure an outstanding educational experience.
UNINQ University upholds a commitment to transparency by providing reliable and accessible data on academic program performance and graduate trajectories. This information is publicly available on our website, adhering to standards and requirements set by regulatory agencies.
We implement regular training programs for our faculty, ensuring the use of innovative methodologies aligned with best educational practices.
We collaborate with organizations and institutions to provide practical opportunities and enriching experiences that add value to our students’ education.
Our admission guidelines and processes are designed to ensure that students with the appropriate potential are enrolled, allowing them to successfully complete and benefit from the educational offerings.
Before enrollment, we inform candidates about admission requirements, the nature of the courses offered, and the expectations of our academic programs. We require that, before completing the registration process, students acknowledge that they have accessed the catalog and other institutional documents, confirming their understanding and acceptance of the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of both the student and the institution.
We admit students without distinction of race, color, nationality, disability, sex, or age. Reasonable accommodations are provided for applicants and students with disabilities, as required by applicable law.
When necessary, official transcripts required for admission must be submitted within an enrollment period not exceeding 12 semester credits; otherwise, the student will be dismissed from the program.
Identity verification is an essential step in our educational process. We initiate the validation of the student's identity at the time of admission to ensure that the individual participating in the process is the same person who completes the courses and assessments.
We do not offer programs for underage students.
UNINQ University’s admission criteria align with its mission and the profile of the students it serves. We define the qualifications that a candidate must possess to succeed in the available educational offerings and apply these criteria fairly and consistently. If we accept a student who does not meet these criteria, we document the reasons or justifications for the exception.
Documents that are not in Portuguese are evaluated by a qualified party and translated into Portuguese or assessed by competent translators fluent in the original language. These translators have experience in the educational practices of the country of origin and provide the translation along with a Portuguese review.
For candidates whose native language is not Portuguese, we verify language proficiency, especially for those who have not earned a degree from an accredited institution where Portuguese is the primary language of instruction.
Non-Degree Programs – For eligible students and available programs, we require official documentation confirming that the candidate has completed high school or an equivalent recognized qualification at the time of admission. We implement self-certification procedures requiring:
Graduate (Master’s) Programs – At the time of admission, we require official documentation confirming that the candidate has obtained a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
Doctoral Programs – For doctoral program applicants, we require documentation confirming that the candidate has obtained a bachelor’s, master’s, or equivalent degree from an accredited institution, with relevant academic experience. The minimum requirement is the completion of a graduate program before admission.
Candidates are informed of their acceptance through a welcome letter. If an application is rejected, the candidate is notified, and the reasons for denial are recorded.
Enrollment agreements clearly outline the educational offerings and ensure that the candidate fully understands their rights, responsibilities, and obligations, as well as those of the institution, before signing.
Students must acknowledge and accept, prior to signing, the tuition refund policy and the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties. The terms of the refund policy are included in the enrollment agreement, catalog, and on the official UNINQ University website.
The enrollment agreement is not binding until it is submitted by the student and approved by the institution. The student receives a signed copy of the agreement within 10 days of acceptance, and the document is kept in the student's records.
If there is a separate payment agreement, it is integrated into the enrollment agreement.
We maintain a clear and fair transfer credit policy, published in the catalog. The process for requesting transfer credits is transparent, and the required documents for evaluation are clearly disclosed. Students may appeal transfer credit decisions following the established procedures. Transfer requests are not denied solely based on the accreditation status of the institution that granted the credits.
Credits granted through experiential learning or equivalent methods do not exceed 25% of the credits required for a degree program. We keep official records of the reasons for granting such credits.
When a student seeks to transfer more credits than the permitted percentage, we conduct a thorough evaluation to ensure that the credits align with the program’s learning outcomes. In such cases, the transfer will not exceed the applicable state-mandated limits or the following percentages:
Graduate (Master’s) Programs – Up to 50% of the required master’s program credits may be granted through credit transfer. The transferred courses must align with the program and be equivalent in content and academic level.
Doctoral Programs – Up to 15% of the required doctoral program credits (or 9 semester credits in a 60-credit program) may be granted through credit transfer. The transferred courses must be relevant to the doctoral program.
We accept credit recognition for courses and/or academic activities equivalent to those in the program, excluding final thesis or dissertation work.
For any questions, please contact us at
At UNINQ University, we are committed to providing a transparent and accessible admission process for all candidates interested in our graduate programs. Below, we outline the necessary requirements for application:
All educational services are provided in Portuguese. Candidates should be aware that a lack of proficiency in the language cannot be used as grounds for exemption from academic and financial obligations.
Internet Access: Candidates must have a stable internet connection to participate in online activities.
Devices and Software: A computer or device meeting the minimum hardware and software requirements specified on the UNINQ website is necessary.
Email: Candidates must have a valid email address for official communication with the university.
Financial Responsibility: The candidate or their financial guarantor must be aware of the course payment conditions, including tuition fees, academic charges, and any additional costs.
Payment Authorization: Candidates authorize UNINQ to process recurring credit/debit card charges or issue invoices for tuition and fees.
Candidates must read and accept the Educational Service Agreement, which includes clauses on contractual obligations, cancellation, refunds, and other general conditions.
Candidates must commit to ethical behavior and good faith throughout the course, respecting academic regulations and avoiding misconduct such as plagiarism or copyright violations.
By using the UNINQ website (hereinafter referred to as the Website) offered by UNINQ UNIVERSITY, CORP, you (hereinafter referred to as the User) agree that you have read, understood and accepted the terms, rules and conditions set forth herein.
The Terms and Conditions of Use regulate the use of the Website, which belongs to UNINQ UNIVERSITY, CORP, a company domiciled abroad and registered with CNPJ: 55.394.149/0001-94.
The Website is available to those with legal capacity to use it, that is, those over 18 years of age. Minors under 18 years of age may only use it with written authorization from their parents or legal guardians. In this case, when User is mentioned in these Terms, it will be understood that the statements were made by the legal guardian.
The Website reserves the right to modify the presentation, configuration and availability of the Website at any time. The same applies to these Terms and Conditions of Use, established as a fundamental condition for using the service.
All customer service is provided only through digital means, such as email, student portal, chat or telephone. The address located at Av. Osvaldo Reis, 2470, 2nd floor, Room 10, Praia Brava Neighborhood, Itajaí, SC, is only an administrative headquarters for sending correspondence, without in-person customer service for students.
All content (including texts, images, graphics, design, logos, etc.) on the UNINQ Website ( is the property of UNINQ.
The content on the Website is intended to offer and sell courses, masters and doctorates.
Any type of reproduction of the content on the Website without prior authorization (in writing and registered) is a violation of Copyright, Intellectual Property or other applicable laws and may result in criminal or civil penalties.
"Any type of reproduction" includes: copying for commercial or private use; modification, publication, distribution or transmission: of photos, layout, texts, e-mails, screenshots, dialogues, texts or videos made.
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To request a quote or make a purchase, the User must fill out a form with his/her data, such as name, address, e-mail, telephone number, and answer a few questions.
Payments made on the Site will be made by bank slip, Pix, credit or debit card. The site will not record any bank or credit card information.
The prices advertised on the website may change without prior notice and may be subject to additional fees, administrative and government charges depending on the product. In any case, the customer must confirm the price and all additional fees by telephone with a sales agent.
The User acknowledges that he/she is responsible for any false information that may be provided for the use of the Website. The User exempts UNINQ from any liability regarding the veracity of the personal data provided by him/her when using the Website.
The user further acknowledges that these Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website must be observed and faithfully complied with, under penalty of cancellation or blocking of use of the Website and other applicable measures, if the aforementioned Terms are violated or breached.
The Site may cancel any User registration at any time and without prior notice, as soon as it becomes aware, and at its sole discretion, if the User intentionally or unintentionally fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions of Use, or violates federal, state and/or municipal laws and regulations, or violates legal principles, morals and good customs. Users whose registrations are canceled may no longer use the Site.
The Site and its owner UNINQ are not responsible for any damages suffered by the User or third parties that, in any way, originate from or depend on the Site.
The Site and its owner UNINQ are exempt from any responsibility for losses resulting from any interruption or error on the Site, including the impossibility of accessing the Site and/or websites related to it, such as interruption of the internet signal for any reason, power outages or errors resulting from a bad configuration of the User's computer.
The Site and its owner UNINQ are not responsible for any damages that the User may suffer due to the use of unsecured computers, such as computers with non-original software, computers with viruses, computers that do not have the latest updates recommended by the manufacturer, as well as the User's access from unsecured networks, cybercafés or internet cafes.
Cancellations may be made within the period stipulated by law, of 7 business days. After 7 business days, cancellation will only be possible after payment of a fine of 10% of the total cost of the course.
These Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by and construed in accordance with American law. All disputes, actions and other matters relating to the courses will be determined in accordance with American law.