Admission Requirements

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At UNINQ University, we are committed to providing a transparent and accessible admission process for all candidates interested in our graduate programs. Below, we outline the necessary requirements for application:

Required Documentation

  • Undergraduate Diploma: Candidates must hold a valid undergraduate degree recognized by higher education institutions. The diploma must be accredited and submitted to UNINQ within the required timeframe and format.
  • Identification Document: A valid identification document is required for enrollment formalization.
  • Personal Documents: Copies of identification documents may be requested for registration purposes.

Proficiency in the Portuguese Language

All educational services are provided in Portuguese. Candidates should be aware that a lack of proficiency in the language cannot be used as grounds for exemption from academic and financial obligations.

Equipment and Connectivity

Internet Access: Candidates must have a stable internet connection to participate in online activities.

Devices and Software: A computer or device meeting the minimum hardware and software requirements specified on the UNINQ website is necessary.

Email: Candidates must have a valid email address for official communication with the university.

Financial Commitment

Financial Responsibility: The candidate or their financial guarantor must be aware of the course payment conditions, including tuition fees, academic charges, and any additional costs.

Payment Authorization: Candidates authorize UNINQ to process recurring credit/debit card charges or issue invoices for tuition and fees.

Acceptance of the Service Agreement

Candidates must read and accept the Educational Service Agreement, which includes clauses on contractual obligations, cancellation, refunds, and other general conditions.

Ethical Conduct

Candidates must commit to ethical behavior and good faith throughout the course, respecting academic regulations and avoiding misconduct such as plagiarism or copyright violations.